Best Real Estate Lead Generation Techniques
How to Implement IMSD, ePro and Lead Generation Methods
Have you spent money on training and coaching and barely implemented anything you learned? Unfortunately that's very common. Real estate agents are incredibly busy juggling many different priorities and the day just seems to get away from you.
We understand this dilemma and we're here to help you solve it. IMSD training, the ePro designation, Reteculous method training, Lori Ballen method, Mike Ferry Coaching, Keller Williams education, By Referral Only training and coaching, SEO training, and hours and hours of research, planning and implementation – WE HAVE ALREADY DONE IT FOR YOU!
We know what it takes to run a real estate business and get the most bang for your buck with online marketing. We know what works and what doesn't work. And we know what strategies to focus on and what things will bring a return on your investment. We know, because we have done it. Through trial and error in our own businesses and by having an in depth understanding of the real estate business and how it has changed through technology, we understand consumer behavior and know how to model your lead generation strategies to capture and retain leads. And we are committed to staying on top of the latest technologies and systems – implementing them for our clients.
There are a lot of “Gurus” selling “systems” out there. They make their money on you buying their systems. They really don't care if you implement them or not. Not to say their systems don't work, they do! BUT it takes work, persistence and dedication. That's where most agents fall short. That's not so say they don't have what it takes – they just don't have the time, patience or sometimes the technical understanding to implement the systems. There are no out of the box, press one button and boom – the leads start flowing systems. No matter how “easy” they make it look, you still have to set it up and work it.
So what are the best real estate lead generation techniques? The ones you actually implement and work consistently! The are many, many ways to do things and each agent and team must create their OWN systems, using methods that work in their market, fit with their skill set and their style. We can help you find your fit.
More importantly, if you are generating leads but not following up immediately, staying in touch consistently or properly servicing them, then it's all pointless. We can help you evaluate your systems and make sure you are set up to manage, convert and service.
We have the time and skill. That's all we do. We have a team of professionals who only do online marketing and lead generation. We aren't selling systems – we are IMPLEMENTING systems – for you.
What's your time worth? If you could generate more leads and make more sales and not have to think about online marketing, what would that be worth to you? Take a look at our Basic Pricing. We understand each agent is different and each has their own skill set, staff and desires so we can tailor our packages to meet your needs.
If you have already taken courses or purchased systems, we can teach you how to implement them, we can train your assistant or we can do it for you. Give us a call to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals.