
Real Estate Tips, Tricks, Lessons and more!
Being More Organized

Being More Organized

Organized. If only I was more organized. My desk is a nightmare many days and yet I know to be more productive in my business, I need to be more organized. This book is dog eared, coffee stained and looks like a hundred years old, however I have never yet finished...

It's all in the list…

It's all in the list…

Money is in the list. You have heard it all before. It's all in the list. What list, you might ask? It's in the list of people you know, people you have met, people you don't know well, friends, friends of friends or even acquaintances, colleagues. It's in the list....

Technology will change where we live

Three technologies will completely change how we view real estate and make this ideal scenario possible: self-driving cars, the Hyperloop and virtual ...Read More from Google Alert - Real Estate Technology