
Real Estate Tips, Tricks, Lessons and more!

Writing About Technology: A Reporter's View

Writing about technology is not “technical writing.” Also, it's ... It works well for real estate when certain data is used to describe a house or lot. Not so ...Read More from Google Alert - Real Estate Technology

Nothing like a native to show you real estate

It's kind of what the native real estate app is intending to do but falls a little ... It can then take advantage of GPS and camera technology to do some ...Read More from Google Alert - Real Estate Technology

CrowdStreet raises $3.5 mln

Portland-based CrowdStreet is a real estate investor acquisition and ... others don't have: the underlying SaaS technology that enables developers ...Read More from Google Alert - Real Estate Technology

Who's News: Fisher Brothers, Deerwood, & more make hires

He studied Real Estate Capital Markets and Investment Analysis at New York ... A Professional Manager/CEO/President in the real estate, sports and ... will lead the upcoming real estate technology startup accelerator class of 2016.Read More from Google Alert - Real...